One-stop solution provider for aluminium extrusions with international experience

Superb Aluminium has been providing design assistance, solutions for custom profile and developing prototypes that meet market demand since 2004
Get to know us

We are fully accredited

We understand that you need products that perform

Our Relationships Are Built With Metal - structured to last

Award-winning aluminium manufacturer

Since incorporation in 2004, Superb Aluminium has become one of the fastest growing aluminium extruders in the industry. At present, we have two plant facilities at Beranang with a total land size of 18,240㎡. We specialise in extruding aluminium profiles in tight tolerance that fulfil market demand.


As part of our commitment to place customer needs before business, we pride ourselves in producing aluminium profiles that truly comprehend its purpose. Our motto is simple. We believe in forging long-lasting relationships with our customers, just as how our aluminium profiles are manufactured to last.

We care about services that build tomorrow's relations


We provide solutions that truly comprehend the purpose and create products that perform to last.


Low initial outlay, fast accurate prototyping and shortened manufacturing time equal to lower cost.


Headed by a team of aluminium specialists, we produce highest-grade products to meet industry standards.

Industry Application

Our products are applicable to a wide range of industries and markets.







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Our extensive range of aluminium extrusions

Let us know what's on your mind. Contact us!

Get your idea or project up and going by getting in touch with us. If you have questions, reach out to us; we will be more than happy to assist in any way possible.

    Quality Pledge

    It's a promise to safeguard quality in all aspects of our relationship at all times. We abide by these commitments to meet your expectation and to honour your trust in us.
    Quality products & services
    Long term business relationships
    Continuous improvements
    Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM)